Family photography session – “The Sweet Spot”

As I entered the new year, hanging out with my family, it hit me. found myself right in the middle of this beautiful “sweet spot” I’ve heard so much about from my more seasoned parent friends. I get what the fuss is about now and these photos capture a very deep and personal goal of mine heading into 2019. So often I’ve fallen prey to mourning over the past while simultaneously fearing the future. Time can really be a thief of joy if you let it. Sadly, I’ve let it happen far too much over the years and enough is enough. I mean, I’ve got a brace faced teenager now who will be driving before we know it! He’s still so little in a lot of precious ways but, not for much longer. Mallory is beginning to enter all the things preteen but still asks to be tucked into bed and is absolutely smitten for her daddy. Then there’s our “baby” of the family who just turned six this month and fiercely tries to grow up quicker than he’s able.
I want to enjoy the now and hold it dearly. Thoughtfully. Prayerfully. I want to be present over perfect. I want to model to my kids to do the same. For this to happen I know that I must very carefully guard my heart and my mind against anything toxic or distracting so that I can be my best self for these precious “little” ones. I’ve had far too many situations try to knock me off course in the last year or so that I’m committing publicly (because the struggle can be so real and I need accountability) to standing guard and praying against such things moving forward.
Here’s to a new year and to finding the beauty in the present, the slowing down, and to the fleeting moments of life with the ones I hold dear.


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