A mom and dad stand in a window smiling down to their newborn baby in mom's arms as their toddler daughter sits on dad's hip thanks to beautiful births

The Benefits of an Out-of-Hospital Birth with Beautiful Births

Birth is a beautiful, transformative process. However your baby enters the world, their journey to your arms is one you’ll never forget. In the past twenty years, out-of-hospital births have become increasingly popular, embracing childbirth as a natural, holistic experience rather than one in need of medical intervention. Whether it’s at a birth center or in the comfort of your own home, an out-of-hospital birth is typically attended by a midwife. In the Colorado Springs area, Tara Stephen, midwife and owner of Beautiful Births, has been attending births for over ten years. If you’re looking for a midwife to assist you with your home birth, consider using Beautiful Births! 

About Beautiful Births

7120 Silver Ponds Heights, Colorado Springs, CO 80908

Tara Stephen is a passionate, experienced midwife with some pretty impressive credentials. She is a Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) and Colorado Registered Midwife (RM). She also has a Master of Science in Midwifery. Since 2009, Tara has attended over 370 births, handling unforeseen complications with expertise and compassion. She greatly advocates midwifery, ensuring it remains a safe and viable option for all women. 

A mother in a cream dress stands in a nursery holding her newborn baby while her toddler daughter stands with her thanks to beautiful births


You’ll receive compassionate, comprehensive care at Beautiful Births throughout your pregnancy and postpartum journey. You’ll begin with prenatal care, visiting the Beautiful Births office, where Tara will perform some baseline tests. She’ll listen to the fetal heartbeat, perform any required labs, take vital signs, and monitor fetal growth. You’ll also have plenty of time at each appointment to ask questions and get to know Tara better! 

Then, when your baby is ready to make their grand entrance, Tara will join you in your home. Throughout your labor, she’ll provide careful monitoring, ensuring everything is progressing safely for you and your baby. You’ll be encouraged to labor and deliver in whatever ways feel best to you, with Tara by your side to guide your experience and make sure your baby arrives safely. Then, once your baby has arrived, Tara will take the time to ensure everyone is stable and that you have had something to eat and drink, as well as to help you shower and clean up. 

With Tara, you also have the option to have a waterbirth! Use your own tub at home, or take advantage of the inflatable birth tub included in her fee. After everyone is settled in, Tara will return 24 hours later so you and your baby can have your first postnatal check-up in your home. Your next check-in will be a telehealth appointment, followed by three more office visits over the following six weeks. In the meantime, Tara also provides well-baby care, ensuring your baby is growing properly and your breastfeeding journey is going well. 

A newborn baby lays in dad's lap as he sits on a couch with mom and their toddler daughter


In addition to full-service midwifery, Tara also offers placenta encapsulation. She uses a specialty blend of herbs that will help new moms have a speedier recovery, lessen bleeding, reduce cramping, aid with postpartum depression, and increase milk supply. She is also well-connected with other birth professionals in the industry and can provide you with recommendations for lactation consultants, chiropractors, doulas, and massage therapists, should you want! 

Beautiful Births

Beautiful Births is a wonderful Colorado Springs organization that can help you make the most of your birth experience. Set up a consultation with Tara to discuss how you envision your birth experience and see if she’s the right fit to guide you through this incredible, transformative journey!

If you’re looking for a photographer who will help you make the newborn stage last, we should chat! I’m a Colorado Springs photographer who specializes in newborn and maternity pictures. I would love to connect with you so you can learn about what sets my process apart! Contact me today to find out more.

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