new mom holding her newborn while sitting on a window seat Colorado Springs Midwives

Colorado Springs Midwives Providing Experienced Birthing Care

Women have had babies since the dawn of time, and every birth is still unique to the woman experiencing it. Childbirth is a normal, natural process guided by a mother’s body and intuition. For some women, the comfort of delivering their baby at home is ideal. When that decision has been explored or made, the next step is to find a midwife who can safely and effectively help you bring your child into the world. These Colorado Springs midwives are all recognized as exceptional organizations that can help you make the most out of your birth experience.

3 Colorado Springs Midwives Providing for Exceptional Pregnancy Resources & Care

Mother to Mother Midwifery

Midwife Carmen Lackett, owner and founder of Mother to Mother Midwifery, found her path after personally experiencing both hospital and home births. She has worked for years with other midwives, obtaining hands-on experience to ensure you are receiving excellent care.

She aims to walk each woman she works with through this incredible milestone and beyond! Currently, she only offers home birth services, so she will come to your home where you are most comfortable.

What sets her apart is the time spent getting to know you, how your family works, and how she can best join your family, bringing your little one into the world. Each appointment with her is at least an hour, and her services include three in-home postpartum visits within the first week of your baby’s life.

She is fully trained to assist with water births. 

She offers a spectrum of services in addition to delivery, such as: 

  • prenatal care, 
  • medical care, 
  • education, 
  • counseling, 
  • support, and 
  • planning your birth.

Mountain Miracles Midwifery

Clinical director and owner Tiffany and certified midwife Lauren run Mountain Miracles Midwifery. They strive to provide evidence-based and family-centered care to the women of the Colorado Springs community. They believe that women are partners in health care and advocate for the ability to make informed choices, share in decision-making, and a woman’s right to make decisions for herself.

Mountain Miracles Midwifery offers assistance with the following: 

  • home births and water births, 
  • prenatal and postpartum care, and of course, 
  • newborn care. 

With 12 years of combined experience, they proudly experience a 97% vaginal birth rate and a 98% VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) rate!

They also accept various insurances, which is unusual for midwife services. As a part of their care, you will also receive essential ultrasounds and bloodwork.

new mom holding her newborn baby and smiling at them

Organic Home Birth

Three certified professional midwives, Emily Thompson, Jennifer Decker, and Tiffany Miller, run Organic Home Birth. When you hire Organic Home Birth, you can choose your primary midwife. Still, you will also get to know her backup, so you will be comfortable knowing you are in familiar hands should your primary midwife ever be unavailable.

Organic Home Birth’s practice is rooted in the assumption that pregnancy and childbirth are natural occurrences that should be honored and assisted, not medically interrupted.

Their services include: 

  • home birth and water birth assistance, 
  • fertility awareness (a consultation that helps you understand your body and menstrual cycle as natural birth control), and 
  • plenty of postpartum care for you and your new baby.

Colorado Springs Midwives

Are you still wondering if a home birth is the right option for you? Take some time to explore the websites for these midwifery companies and reach out to them with any questions or concerns you may have. These Colorado Springs midwives pride themselves on excellent care and knowledgeable staff. Congratulations on your new addition, and remember to enjoy every step of this journey!

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